
What is it? Its autism without the autism! It stands for Sensory Processing Disorder. So people who have autism have SPD but people who have SPD do not nesseccarily have autism. Though previously they were seen to go hand in hand. My eldest has finally been given a diagnosis after years of waiting lists and battles with the system. I have always known, our Alfie was a bit different to his friends. In my mind I always suspected autism of some discription. His funny little ways, his responses and reactions etc.. Alfie suffers from anxiety and displays OCD behaviours to cope with his frustrations and worries. This is daily. Alfie also finds going to sleep very challenging, especially without me lying by his side. Which is what I used to do when he was 2! He needs constant reassurance. But it all makes sense now. Alfie makes sense! It seems more about us as a family learning to understand him and to help him cope with his frustrations and anxieties. He doesn’t like certain textures or temperatures, he doesn’t feel pain in the same way, he doesn’t feel physical touch the same way, he dislikes loud noise unless it’s music and the list goes on. I didn’t really think about how I would feel after the diagnosis. I guess because it’s taken so long and so much effort to get to this point. Now I feel a bit lost, not quite sure where to go from here. I am not sure those close to us really appreciate what it means for Alfie and us as a family. He is being referred to an occupational therapist to learn coping mechanisms and we have to play detective to what act as triggers to his anxieties. Easier said than done when the child in question does not wear his heart on his sleeve and due to the lack of emotion expressed is very hard to read. But he is a loving , caring and a sensitive soul who is surrounded by unconditional love. ‘We will always have your back Alfie’.

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